Monday, April 30, 2012

Driver Easy profesional 3.10 free Download full version

Sekarang ini sudah ga jaman nya lagi cari cari driver yang compatible dengan mother board kita...dengan software yang sangat membantu dalam mencari driver terbaru dan pastinya sangat compatible dengan CPU kita, yang cara kerja nya mirip dengan DRIVER GENIUS, Untuk meng uninstal driver yang tidak cocok dengan komputer kitaatau sekedar memback up juga Software DriverEasy Professional dapat di andalkan.
ok langsung kita lihat fitur fitur nya sebagai berikut.. :

DriverEasy is a straightforward application that will help you detect and download your missing or outdated drivers. Are you still annoying with your driver issue? Don’t be! With the friendly user Interface, Driver Easy can save you so much time & energy to find the latest drivers for your computer. Powered by its Industry-leading technology, 1,000,000 + hardware driver database, daily-updating drivers support, Driver Easy drives your computer faster and assures your system running more safe & steadily. It’s easy to backup every driver installed in your pc and restore it whenever you want. Further more , If you encounter the old and new driver incompatible, DriverEasy can let you easily Uninstall any Drivers that you do not need . With a few seconds you can clear up your system and keep the specified driver working quite well.

• Automatic Detect Unknown Device Driver
• Keep your Drivers Up-to-Date
• Over 1,000,000 Hardware Driver Database
• Driver Backup, Restore & Uninstall Features
• Multi-Language Interface
• Extremely Easy-to-Use

. Automatically Detect & Download Unknown Device Drivers That You Needed, Save You Tons of Times and Energy!
. Update Drivers to Latest Version, Fine Tune your System and Enable more Advance Features.
. Secure your System by Backup Installed Drivers, Easy to Roll Back after Upgraded to new Version, or Restore it after System Reload
. Remove Out-of-Date or Unpluged Device Drivers, Avoid any Drivers Conflict.

Here are some key features of "DriverEasy":

Your One-Stop Driver Solution:
· Driver Easy is design for quickly and easy to identify unknown device's drivers, and keep your driver in latest version. Much more, we have implement driver backup, driver restore, and driver uninstall feature, to ensure your driver secure and safe.

Detect Unknown Device Driver:
· Driver Easy has a huge online database, which include over 100,000,000 hardware device's driver, with it revolutionary driver detect engine, it help you download the unknown device driver, help you fix the driver issue.

Keep Existing Driver Up-to-Date:
· With our daily update driver database, your system will improve the performance, fix the blue screen problem, add more enhance feature by install the latest drivers.

Backup & Restore Drivers:
· Do not worry about it if you lost the driver disc, Driver Easy can backup the driver your current installed, you can restore it after system reload. This is an benefit feature if you not sure are the new driver compatible your system or not, you can backup existing driver, and roll-back it later.

Uninstall Removed Hardware Driver:
· When you replace the graphic card, do you know Windows still keep your old one driver, and will launch it each time, when Windows start up. This will case the system slowing boot up, and may case some system conflict. Driver Easy allow you uninstall the removed hardware, to clean up your system.

Download Software DriverEasy Professional DISINI

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Download itunes terbaru 2012 free full version

Download iTunes Terbaru 2012 Gratis Untuk Windows Itunes pemutar audio Video dengan berbagai macam format seperti MP3 MP4 MPEG FLV dan banyak format audio video lainnya, iTunes yang dikeluarkan oleh Apple untuk perangkat iOS dan Mac, juga mengeluarkan untuk versi Windows. Baru baru ini iTunes merilis update terbaru yaitu iTunes terbaru 2012 versi 10.5 untuk Windows baik itu XP/ vista maupun Windows 7, yang bisa anda download secara gratis. Selain Winamp terbaru 2012 tentu iTunes juga menjadi pilihan yang populer sebagai pemutar musik dan Video, iTunes memiliki beragam fitur yang menarik yang bisa anda coba, dari mulai searching lagu dan video memudahkan anda untuk bernavigasi karena memiliki library yang mudah digunakan. Anda bisa download iTunes 2012 terbaru di bawah ini untuk Windows.

Download iTunes Terbaru 2012 Gratis akan menjadi alternatif pilihan pemutar musik dan video di PC anda, Berikut beberapa fitur yang terdapat di iTunes terbaru 2012.

  • Organize your music into playlists
  • Edit file information
  • Record compact discs
  • Copy files to an iPod or other digital audio player
  • Purchase music and videos on the Internet through the built-in iTunes store
  • Run a visualizer to display graphical effects in time to the music
  • Encode music into a number of different audio formats.
Spesifikasi Minumun Komputer anda untuk menjalankan iTunes terbaru 2012

  • PC with a 1GHz Intel or AMD processor and 512MB of RAM
  • To play Standard Definition video from the iTunes Store, an Intel Pentium D or faster processor, 512MB of RAM, and a DirectX 9.0-compatible video card is required
  • PC with a 1GHz Intel or AMD processor and 512MB of RAM
  • To play Standard Definition video from the iTunes Store, an Intel Pentium D or faster processor, 512MB of RAM, and a DirectX 9.0-compatible video card is require.  Ok..Jika anda tertarik, silahkan download iTunes 2012 terbaru gratis di bawah ini
 Download itunes terbaru 2012 Free Klik Disini
 Nb: jika masuk klik skipad

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Format Factory 2.9 Full Version Free Download

Format Factory Terbaru 2.90 full merupakan software yang berfungsi untuk mengkonversi berbagai macam format audio dan video dengan sangat mudah...dan juga user friendly....saya sendiri menggunakan software ini karena Formatnya sangat lengkap...jadi..bagi yang belum punya..silahkan download..

Function :
  • Rip DVD to video file , Rip Music CD to audio file. 
  • MP4 files support iPod/iPhone/PSP/BlackBerry format.
  • Supports RMVB,Watermark, AV Mux.
New Features :
  •  Update ffdshow,Haali codecs to latest version.
  •  Fixed some bugs of codecs installation
  •  Fixed some bugs of "MUX"
  • Add install and uninstall system context mmenu features to advanced option. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Free Download Game Counter Strike Full Version

Download Game Counter Strike Xtreme V6 Full Version - Game Counter Strike 2011 - 2012 - Download Game Counter Strike Xtreme 2011 Full Version Terbaru - Download Game Counter Strike Xtreme 2011 Full Version – Free Counter Strike ini adalah gabungan dari Crossfire dan Point BlankDownload Game Counter Strike Terbaru Xtreme V6 Mediafire atau situs berbagi file gratis lainnya seperti Fileserve dan Megaupload. Download Game Counter Strike Xtreme V6 Full Version dan nikmati serunya tembak menembak antar monster, polisi dan terorist. Bagaimana apakah sobat tertarik.
Review Game Counter Strike Xtreme Full Crack 2011 (Bahasa Linggis) :
This is a first person shooter game and is a complete remake of Counter-Strike. We play a team of counter-terrorists against a team of terrorists. You can buy and install the game online using the Steam platform. It only needs a DirectX 9 graphic card.
Counter-Strike is probably the mos popular game ever and is for sure the number one multiplayer first person shooter of all times. This software is an enhancer for the basic Counter-Strike game. It is a mod for Counter-Strike 3D that makes a bloom effect .
Couter Strike Extreme v6 Full Version ini, ada 6 mode :
  1. Normal Mode
  2. Team Match (Death Match)
  3. Ghost Mode
  4. Zombie Mode 3
  5. Zombie Scenario (Survival)
  6. Zombie United
Minimum System Requirment :
  1. Windows XP / Vista / 7
  2. Processor 2.4 Ghz
  3. RAM 1 GB
  4. HardDisk 2GB
  5. Graphic Card 256MB
Bagi sobat yang ingin Download Game Counter Strike Extreme 2011 Full Crack silahkan menuju link download mediafire di bawah ini :
Catatan :
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Download Game Counter Strike 1.6  Klik DISINI

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Free download game Moto gp 3 full version

Kali ini saya share tentang salah satu Game yang amat menantang dan bisa membuat kita enjoy. Emang sih game ini bisa dibilang jadul karena populer perkiraan 5 yang lalu. Tapi walaupun dibilang jadul, tetap menantang kok dan bisa buat koleksi game2 anda. Apalagi anda penggemar setia MotoGP... Wah, bisa buat untuk latihan balap nie....wkwkkkwkk

Spesifikasi System yang dianjurkan:
  • Pentium IV 2.8 GHz
  • RAM 512 mb
  • DirectX 9
  • Video 64 mb 


Cool Edit Pro 2.1 Free Download Terbaru

Program Shareware Cool Edit menjadi editor strereo paling popular bagi pengguna windows. Mengapa populer, mungkin karena shareware ini memiliki tampilan interface yang baik, mudah penanganannya, dan mempunyai banyak efek suara.

Versi "Pro" juga menjadi popular karena dapat merekam secara multitrack, dimana beberapa pengguna seringkali membutuhkannya sedangkan yang lainnya mungkin tidak membutuhkan fitur tersebut. Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan mix strereo saja, tetapi anda juga bisa mendapatkan 5.1 surround format.

Cool Edit Versi 2.1 memberikan lebih dari 45 effects DSP, mendukung frekuensi 24/96 kHz, scripting dan batch prosessing, membaca dan menggubah lebih dari 20 format, termasuk MP3 decode dan encode.

Anda dapat menggunakan Stereo Editor atau software multitrack recording. Dalam versi 2.1 ini, anda pun dapat menunjukkan 5.1 surround mixes sesuai yang anda butuhkan.
Buat saya shareware ini memiliki editor stereo sangat baik , dan mampu merekam beberapa track sekaligus dengan baik pula. Khususnya bagi teman-teman sekalian yang ingin merekam musik yang benar-benar instrumental daripada melakukannya dengan cara overdubbing, apa salahnya coba shareware ini.

Kelebihan :

  • Mendukung 24/96kHz
  • Memiliki 45 DSP effects yang realtime
  • 128 audio tracks
  • Mendukung Looping
  • Mendukung DirectX-Plugins
  • Scripting and batch processing
  • Membaca dan menggubah lebih dari 20 format file
  • MP3 encode and decode
  • Multiple presets for setiap effect
  • Memiliki Kemampuan untuk "undo" secara Full
  • Memiliki Kemampuan untuk Dijalankan pada 5.1 Surround
Kelemahan :
  • Beberapa effect diperlukan agar bisa mendapatkan suara yang lebih baik.
Plattform : Windows 95/98. ME, 2000, XP, 2000, NT 4.0
Pada Umumnya
Digunakan untuk
: Merekam Lagu-Lagu di Rumah, Produser Multimedia, dan Sounddesigner.

Password: bent0811

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Download Free Nero Burnlite 10 Terbaru 2012 full version

Nero telah mengupgrade versi disc burning gratis mereka yaitu nero burnlite menjadi V10 dan tersedia untuk di download sekarang,seperti tahun lalu yang anda ketahui nero merilis disc burning gratis untuk pertama kalinya.
Versi terbaru dari nero Burnlite gratis sepenuhnya kompatible dengan windows 7.ukuran nero burnlite hanya 31Mb dan dapat di download dari link dibawah ini.
Nero burnlite 10 berisikan data burning yang sederhana dan fitur menyalin disc CD dan DVD.Fitur tambahan dan fungsionalitas tersedia dengan cara upgrade ke nero burning Room atau nero multimedia suite 10.
Nero burnlite 10 mendukung data CD(ISO,UDF,ISO/UDF)dan data DVD(ISO,UDF,ISO/UDF)disk format,dan CD-R,CD-RW,DVD-R,DVD-RW,DVD-RAM,dll media Type.

Download Nero Burnlite 10 Klik Disini

Free Download Ulead video Studio 11 Plus Terbaru

Ulead video studio adalah software editing video yang tidak kalah dengan menggunakan adobe primiere pro dan adobe after effect,yang biasa dipakai paraeditor video.
Jika anda berminat mendalami dunia editing video,Ulead video studio adalah yang cocok dipakai untuk pembelajaran karena desain antarmukanya yang mudah,dan fiturnya yang tak kalah dengan softwrae editing video yang saya sebut tadi.
Dengan Ulead video studio kita bisa memisahkan Video dengan Audio,Membuat video ada tulisan berjalan seperti CD/DVD untuk saat ini.

Download Ulead Video Studio 11 Plus
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Download Free SPSS 18 full version

SPSS merupakan software yang yang paling populer dan paling banyak digunakan pemakai di seluruh dunia untuk statistik. SPSS banyak dipakai dalam berbagai riset pasar, pengendalian dan perbaikan mutu (qualitiy improvement) serta riset-riset sains. Kepopuleran SPSS ini dijadikan sebagai alat untuk pengolahan data.

SPSS adalah singkatan dari Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, sekarang diperluas untuk melayani berbagai jenis user, seperti untuk proses produksi dipabrik, riset ilmu-ilmu sains dan lainnya. Sekarang kepanjangan SPSS adalah Statistical Product and Service Solutions. Hingga saat sekarang produk SPSS telah dipakai dalam berbagai bidang seperti ilmu keuangan, retail, telekomunikasi, farmasi, broadcasting, militer, database marketing, riset pemasaran, peramalan bisnis, penilaian kredit, customer relationship, penilaian kepuasan konsumen (customer satisfaction) dan sebagainya.

Selain perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk membantu memprediksi analisa data, Dengan software ini dapat membantu saat melakukan olah data yang berkaitan dengan pembuatan skripsi maupun tesis

Download SPSS versi 18 Free Full Version Disini
Download part 1
Download part 2

Download part 3

Download part 4

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Potoscape 3.6 Free Download Terbaru 2012

Photoscape Terbaru 2012 gratis. Pastinya sobat sudah pada tau dengan software yang satu ini, hmmm… yups bener skali Photoscape photo editor tools gratis. Saya yakin sekali sobat sudah sangat mengenal aplikasi edit foto yang sangat mudah untuk digunakan ini. Selain sangat mudah, keren, dan gratis tentunya Software edit photo yang satu ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur yang sangat bermanfaat untuk memudahkan proses pengeditan foto.
Kemudahan yang diberikan membuat Photoscape menjadi pilihan favorit pagi para mani photo editor selain Photoshop yang berbayar itu lho. Nah pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan informasi agar sobat bisa download photoscape terbaru yang up to date dari situs resminya.

  • Viewer: melihat foto yang terdapat dalam foder Anda, membuat slideshow
  • Editor: resizing, brightness dan color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming
  • Batch editor: Batch edit multiple photos
  • Page: menggabungkan beberapa foto dalam satu frame foto untuk membuat menjadi satu foto. ·Â  Combine: Memasang beberapa foto secara vertical atau horizontal menjadikannnya satu foto.
  • Animated GIF: Menggunakan beberapa foto untuk membuat foto animasi.
  • Print: Print portrait shots, carte de visites(CDV), foto passport
  • Splitter: Slice sebuah foto ke dalam beberapa bagian foto.
  • Screen Capture: Meng-capture screenshot Anda dan menyimpannya
  • Color Picker: memperbesar gambar, pencarian dan memilih warna
  • Rename: Merubah nama file foto
  • Raw Converter: Menkonversi format foto dari RAW ke JPG
  • Paper Print: print garis, graph, musik dan kalender.
  • Face Search: Find similar faces on the Internet Mencari wajah serupa di Internet.
 Download Free Potoscape 3.6 Klik DISINI

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Download Game PC Sniper elite free full version

Sniper Elite takes place in 1945, at the close of the war. The game focuses on the conflict between Russia and Germany for control of Berlin. The Russian secret service, known as NKVD, is in town to steal the atomic-bomb technology from the German Army. You have to put a stop to that posthaste, because nuclear weapon technology in the hands of Stalin's forces would surely spell big trouble for just about the entire world. You are an American sniper, trained by the OSS to be the best of the best when it comes to covert operations. Disguised as a German soldier, you have to stop the NKVD at all costs. The single-player campaign is quite lengthy. There are 28 missions in a variety of different (but very similar) war-torn settings. The missions are pretty much what you'd expect from a sniper game. You'll have to assassinate high-ranking officials, steal secret documents, rescue captured allies, and shoot hundreds of guys in the head. The campaign can easily take 12 hours or more to finish. If you complete all the optional objectives and take the time to set up all your shots rather than just blast away recklessly, this game will easily take up as much time as you're willing to give it. Therein lies the conundrum with this game. If you play it carefully, a single level can take much more than an hour to complete. The stealth is well done here, and the game does a great job of building up the sense of tension that comes from sneaking around and picking off enemies. After a while, though, that tension fades into tedium, and you'll eventually just be wishing you could move on already. 
The missions aren't particularly satisfying, either. Some of the more complex missions are great, like when you have to climb your way up a cathedral tower and snipe enemy soldiers as they rush your ally, who's stuck waiting for transport. The problem is that most of the missions are rather anticlimactic. You'll spend a long time fighting through as many as six or seven fairly simple but time-consuming objectives, only to have the final objective be something as simple and unexciting as walking to the ex-filtration point, unchallenged, so you can exit the level. 
Another problem with the missions is that they require a lot of trial and error to really figure out what you're supposed to do. You'll die several times while trying to figure out what the best position is to complete your objectives, or where enemies will be coming from. This means you'll replay the same mission several times, even on the easiest difficulty. This is especially frustrating when you go through 20 minutes or more of buildup, only to have the guy you were supposed to assassinate get spooked and run away. Then you have to go through that 20-minute buildup all over again. Luckily, you can save anywhere you want and at any time, though you do have a limited number of saves per mission. You'll want to save often so you don't have to keep going over your same tracks every time you die. 

Headshots are the order of the day in Sniper Elite. 
You'll die a lot, too, because as a sniper you aren't equipped to take much damage. A few rounds from a machine gun at close range are more than enough to put you down. You can find bandages and medikits on the ground and by searching corpses, but healing items are few and far between. The enemy artificial intelligence here is deviously intelligent, as well. In fact, the AI is almost too intelligent sometimes; they have an uncanny sense of where you are at all times, even when you've gone to great lengths to remain concealed. The enemies in the game don't often just stand there and wait for you to pop them in the head. Enemies run for cover, crouch, and lay down, and they'll even work together to pull some dirty tricks. For instance, a group of enemies might keep you occupied while another enemy sneaks around behind you and unloads a clip in your back before you can even turn around to see what's happening. If you shoot an enemy in the leg, he'll fall to the ground and squirm around while shouting for help. If you don't finish him off right away, another enemy will pick up his fallen comrade and carry him to safety. The game does a great job of making the enemies seem crafty and intelligent. A good deal of the challenge here is derived from the fact that it's usually far more effective to outfox your enemies than it is to outgun them
Stealth Third Person Shooter
- Developer: Rebellion Software
- Publisher: Namco Hometek
- Release Date: 30.09.2005
Official Website

Minimum System Requirements:
System: 1GHz or equivalent
RAM: 256 MB
Hard Drive Space: 4000 MB
Other: DX 8 Compatible Sound Card

Recommended System Requirements:
System: 1.4Ghz or equivalent
RAM: 512 MB
Video Memory: 32 MB
Hard Drive Space: 4000 MB
Other: NVIDIA GeForce 4 TI 32 MB+ 

- Unrar
- Unrar Again Sry (2 .RAR Files Cos I Compressed It More Soz)
- Move Extracted Folder To Program Files
- Right Click Sniper Elite.exe Or Something Like That, And Create Shortcut.
- Move To Desktop.
- Have Fun Playing

Download game Sniper Elite
Download part 1            Download part 11
Download part 2            Download part 12
Download part 3            Download part 13
Download part 4            Download part 14
Download part 5            Download part 15
Download part 6            Download part 16
Download part 7            Download part 17
Download part 8            Download part 18
Download part 9            Download part 19

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Game Medal of honor PC full version

If you are penggermar first person shooter (FPS) game is probably already familiar. Medal Of Honor this time it released the newest version to be played on a Personal Computer (PC). In this time many FPS games are released and compete with each other to display the advantages of each game to show the difference of every game played, Medal Of Honor represents a real conflict that is happening in the real world between the two armies were fighting.

Of soldiers and weapons to fight the original to a sustainable environment, so many elements that turn the story of this game becomes so real.

The story of this game takes place in Afghanistan. You will be part of the U.S. military which seeks to combat Taliban forces from the terrors of the given. Ranging from kidnappings and other terrorist acts committed.

Elements of Education

This game has some educational value that can be taken are:

* Know how and starategy in actual warfare.
* Train dexterity.

Reality Facts

This game's emphasis on reality to mimic the actual events, namely:

* The strategy of war shown is not engineered, but indeed a reality in the real world.
* Use of weapons in accordance with the form and the original specifications.
* Locations such as the fact that the war in Afghanistan.

Realities of Cause and Effect

This game has a morality of causation, namely:

* If you do not follow orders from the leadership team's mission will be doomed to fail.

Random Reality

Random reality in this game occurs when meeting the enemy during war.

* The position of the enemy's dynamic.
* Techniques of war may vary.

Reality Physics

Because of this game simulates the battle in detail, the reality of physics clearly put to good use to show both the real simulation, namely:

* When using a sniper we see the direction of the wind can change the direction of the bullet.
* We will feel the effects of the thrust of the weapon when membak and this affects the accuracy of the shot.
* If we use anti-tank weapon we have to estimate the parabolic style of the place.
* Effect garavitasi affect player movement when moving up to the weight and vice versa.
Audio-Visual Reality

* Audio
o The sound of gunfire in accordance with the original weapons.
o Voice of the environment such as wind, water is real.
o The sound of the human characters who speak only English and Arabic correctly.

* Visual
o Environment which took place in Afghanistan.
o Details on the weapons in accordance with the original.
o If the hit player will become blurred vision. 

Minimum System Requirements:

Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
Processor: Pentium D 3.0GHz / Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz / Athlon X2
Memory: 2GB
Hard Drive: 10 GB free HD space
Video Card (graphics): GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900 with 256MB memory

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Rar Password:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Download Adobe After Effect CS5 + SN Full Version Gratis Free 64 bit

Teman-teman bisa download Adobe After Effect CS5 secara gratis disini, postingan ini sebenarnya hasil request dari saudara Rardians di Request Software. Semuanya ada 13 Part yang berekstensi .UIF, Tapi saya dikasih tahu buat nginstall program ini syarat mutlaknya adalah Windows 64 Bit. Kalo teman-teman mau coba, silahkan download disini :
Total keseluruhan 1.2 GB, bagi teman-teman yang mau mencobanya, silahkan download di atas.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Download Myob 18 ED Full Version Free

Windows version: Accounts (General Ledger), Banking, Sales, Inventory, Purchases, Card File (AR/AP)
Klik  DOWNLOAD DISINI, untuk mengunduh aplikasi MYOB Accounting versi 18. Selesai melakukan download, silahkan install aplikasi tersebut. Selanjutnya anda bisa meng-eksplore sample data. User ID : Administrator, Password = kosong (tanpa password). Anda juga bisa membuat data baru dengan limitasi 30 hari sejak tanggal file tersebut dibuat. User ID = Administrator dan pasword = kosong (tanpa password). Silahkan dicoba.
.Windows Compatible Printer
.Windows Compatile Mouse and Pointer

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Download free Yahoo Messenger 11.5 Terbaru 2012

Yahoo Messenger (YM) 11 saat ini juga sudah terkoneksi dengan beberapa game populer seperti Fishville, happy harvest, draw my thing, happy manor, balloono, pool dan termasuk juga game yang sangat populer yaitu game mafia wars. Selain itu, Yahoo Messenger (YM) 11 ini juga sudah terintegrasi dan terkoneksi secara langsung dengan beberapa social network seperti Yahoo! pulse, flickr, facebook, bahkan twitter.
Diantara fitur-fitu yang ada di Yahoo Messenger (YM) 11 ini adalah :
  1. Bisa dengan mudah berhubungan dengan teman – teman anda dimanapun anda berada. Anda bisa melihat, comment, nge-like dll ke Yahoo! Pulse, twitter, facebook, flickr dan social network lainnya secara langsung dari Yahoo Messenger (YM) 11 ini.
  2. Anda bisa Chatting secara langsung ke teman – teman anda di facebook, wondows live, dll secara langsung dari Yahoo Messenger terbaru ini.
  3. Anda juga bisa melangsungkan konferensi dengan teman-teman yang sudah masuk contact Yahoo Messenger.
  4. Anda bisa post status ke banyak social network sekaligus seperti facebook, twitter dan yahoo pulse secara langsung dari Yahoo Messenger (YM) 11 ini.
  5. Fitur multimedia yang lebih banyak seperti video call gratis, saling tukar foto dan video gratis baik antar komputer maupun ke iphone dan android. Cocok buat yang lagi pacaran.
  6. Chatting dimanapun dan kapanpun secara virtual. Anda bisa chatting di komputer kemudian melanjutkan di iphone, android, blackberry atau device lainnya secara langsung.
  7. Dapat dengan mudah mengirim sms ke orang lain. Dan bahkan bisa menelpon teman yang sedang online hanya dengan menggunakan Yahoo Messenger (YM) 11 ini.
  8. Mudah melihat pesan – pesan yang sudah anda terima di yahoo messenger ketika anda login di komputer atau device lainnya (recent messages tersimpan secara online dan tidak secara lokal di komputer anda)
  9. Kustomisasi avatar, audible dan tema dari YM Anda


Bagi teman-teman yang mungkin diantaranya masih bingung dengan cara mendaftar di Yahoo Messenger (YM), ikuti saja langkah-langkah berikut dibawah ini :
  1. buka situs
  2. pilih sign up pada tulisan mail
  3. masukan data diri dalam form registrasi (saat memasukan alamat email dan password, kalau perlu Anda catat agar tidak sampai lupa)
  4. jika sudah selesai menginput data klik finish
  5. buka situs
  6. masukan ID dan password tujuannya untuk mengaktifkan ACC yahoo dan mengecek kebenaran ID dan password
  7. download program yahoo messenger yang nanti akan saya berikan link downloadnya dibawah.
  8. jika sudah selesai mendownload dobel klik pada iconnya, ikuti langkah-langkah dalam menginstall program sesuai dengan petunjuk.
  9. jika program sudah diinstal, coba masukan ID dan password yang anda buat tadi (tanpa atau atau
  10. jika tidak bisa connect, periksa firewall dari jaringan komputer yang Anda pakai.


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Saturday, April 14, 2012

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Friday, April 13, 2012

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Download 3D Max 2012 free full version

Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 - Autodesk, Inc mengumumkan rilis dari Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 perangkat lunak, versi terbaru dari 3D perusahaan, animasi render pemodelan, dan aplikasi compositing. Pemetaan inisiatif (XBR) Excalibur - rencana bertahap untuk restrukturisasi 3ds Max - versi baru menyediakan perbaikan fundamental dalam alur kerja, antarmuka pengguna dan kinerja yang akan memberikan kemampuan kreatif seniman ditingkatkan dan membantu mereka untuk menjadi lebih produktif.
Mencapai tujuan utama dari inisiatif XBR, 3ds Max 2012 memperkenalkan, ditulis ulang multi-threaded core grafis yang memberikan perbaikan yang signifikan terhadap kinerja viewport dan kualitas. Selain itu, toolsets kreatif baru dan ditingkatkan iteratif workflow membantu meningkatkan produktivitas secara keseluruhan. Versi 2012 juga fitur single-langkah interoperabilitas dengan produk Autodesk yang terkandung dalam Penciptaan Hiburan Premium Suite 2012, menawarkan akses mudah ke alat seniman khusus untuk tugas di tangan.
"Seniman menghadapi tenggat waktu pendek ditambah dengan meningkatnya harapan untuk kualitas," kata Marc Petit, wakil presiden senior, Autodesk Media & Entertainment. "3ds Max 2012 memberikan alat-alat canggih yang mengambil keuntungan dari kemajuan perangkat keras baru-baru ini, bersama dengan interoperabilitas yang lebih baik dengan produk lain yang termasuk dalam Suites Creation Hiburan. Bersama-sama perangkat tambahan membantu seniman untuk membuat keputusan kreatif awal, memvalidasi mereka dan memberikan hasil yang lebih baik lebih cepat. "
"Pertama kali saya dimuat adegan dalam 3ds Max 2012 Aku bisa melihat pencahayaan lembut dan bayangan tepat di viewport. Hal ini memiliki dampak terbesar pada saya. Aku tiba-tiba merasa lebih produktif; seperti hambatan untuk kreativitas saya jatuh pergi, "kata Stephen Lebed, 3ds Max beta tester dan visual efek di MECHnology pengawas.
Key New Features in Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 Software
* Nitrous Accelerated Graphics Core — Accelerated by modern GPUs and multicore workstations, Nitrous enables artists to iterate faster and handle larger data sets with limited impact on interactivity. Advanced scene management techniques, along with multithreaded viewport scene traversal and material evaluation, result in a smoother, more responsive workflow.
* Substance Smart Textures — Artists can achieve a vast range of look variations with a new library of 80 Substance smart textures and filters — tiny, multi-output, customizable and resolution-independent textures
* mRigids Rigid-Body Dynamics — mRigids is the first module released in the new MassFX unified system of simulation solvers. Artists can use the multithreaded NVIDIA PhysX engine to create more compelling, dynamic rigid-body simulations directly in the 3ds Max viewport.
* iray Renderer — Using the newly integrated, NVIDIA GPU accelerated, iray rendering technology from mental images, artists can set up their scene, press “render” and get more predictable, photoreal results without worrying about rendering settings — similar to a “point-and-shoot“ camera.
* Enhanced UVW Unwrapping — Artists can create better UVW maps in less time, with a new Least Squares Conformal Mapping (LSCM) method, enhancements to existing tools, and more streamlined workflows
* Sculpting and Painting Enhancements — Artists can enjoy greater control over brushstrokes and their effects on geometry, thanks to new sculpting and painting workflows

Avira update 13 April 2012 free

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

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Avira update 12 April 2012 free Download

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

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Avira Update 11 April 2012 free Download

Download Free Update Avira Terbaru 11 April 2012 - Update Avira Terbaru 11 April 2012 - Avira adalah antivirus kelas dunia yang memang banyak penggunanya. Untuk melakukan perbaikan terhadap bugs ataupun update database, avira melakukan update setiap hari. Download Free Update Avira Terbaru 11 April 2012 ini merupakan update harian yang bisa ada download secara gratis pada link dibawah ini.

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Call of Duty 4 Free Download full Version

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision for PC, Nintendo DS, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. This is the fourth product to Call of Duty video game series. The game was announced on April 25, 2007. The game was released on November 6, 2007 in North America, on November 7, 2007 in Australia, and on November 9, 2007 in Europe. This game has sold over 13 million units

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (COD4MW) differs from the previous Call of Duty series is always telling the history of the World War II, this time Infinity Ward brings you in a battle set in the modern world with a fictional story about a civil war due to a coup in the Middle East and the group 'ultranationalists' in Russia, both masterminded by Imran Zakhaev.

At first Sergeant McTavish 'Soap', Captain Price 'Gaz' and several other SAS soldiers find nuclear missiles located inside the cargo ship in the Bering Sea. They also took a record of evidence of the missile, which ultimately proved a link between events in the Middle East and Russia.
In a FPS game, players control of the character movement is very important because that's what will determine whether the FPS games are delicious and easy to play or not. In this game there are a few basic movements, such as standing, crouching and prone, you also can tilt to the left and right to peek without having to show the body to the enemy. One of the unique movement that is you can take your opponent and throw grenades back. In addition there are also new features never before seen in Call of Duty series that ran previously. This feature is very useful to avoid the enemy or move quickly when crossing so difficult for enemies to shoot.

This time you will have many choices of weapons actually existing at present, such as the M4A1, AK-47, G3, R700, MP5, RPD, Desert Eagle, USP and others, also do not forget explosive weapons like rocket launcher, grenade launcher, javelin , and others. Each weapon has different characteristics that also has a plus minus of each. Not forgetting also the player can activate the night vision goggles to see clearly in darkness.

Graph COD4MW very good. Engine from Infinity Ward called IW3 work with the maximum, each object on the screen visible detail, the effects of gunfire, explosions and other effects look extremely beautiful and real. Features weather effect also plays an important role to build a real atmosphere when you play this game. Although this game has beautiful graphics, but this game is still mild even played on the PC with specifications 'mediocre'.

The sound of this game was not as good when compared with the side of the graph. The voice sounded very clear, the effects of gunfire and explosions are very good, the sound of shots from each weapon has the characteristics of each weapon so you can know what you're hearing. 3D effects presented were very pronounced. When you play a multiplayer mode, 3D sound effect that is helping you to find out where enemy presence. Voice acting of each character was very good, not stiff, looks like a Hollywood movie upscale. Very neat, is not rigid and sound natural not artificial. So when you play, the NPC character who sounds around you will also contribute to build an atmosphere that you experience. Some sound effects are taken from previous Duty series Call fo.
In this game, you can choose to play in Single Player Campaign or Multiplayer. In single player mode, you will play six different characters in each stagenya. As the series Call of Duty before, there are two camps will you play, the first is the army SAS (Special Air Service) and the second is the army USMC (United States Marine Corps). In this mode, there are various missions that must be completed at each stage, the mission will continue to evolve with developments in these stages. Examples such as finding people, into enemy territory, killing, detonates and other tools. Players will be notified towards the goal of the mission through the radar appears on the screen. When completing the mission at each stage, players will always be accompanied by AI that helped you in a shooting at the enemy.

Each stage presents a very exciting fight and very intense. The battle occurred so that indoor and outdoor atmosphere of war actually feels like a real war. The unrest that is felt would really make you feel how hard to press forward on the battlefield. This is what makes CoD series has always been the best war game of all time and managed to defeat the Medal of Honor series. But unfortunately, the single player mode was very fast finish, the story was so short, direct to the heart of the matter without any further ado.
As for multiplayer, Infinity Ward seems to further highlight this mode, judging from the single player is very short. In mutiplayer mode, players will really feel the new multiplayer experience. There are several game modes, such as team deathmatch, free for all, Domination, search and destroy, sabotage, and others. Each mode has a different objective reply, so be sure you will not get bored playing this multiplayer.
Overall, COD4MW is a very good game and exciting, both in single player or multiplayer is so unique and interesting. Shot after shot in this game really feel, so the excitement gained from playing was a new experience of a war-themed FPS game. The story was very interesting, powerful but easy to understand and the story was good disposition methods. This game is very addictive, especially if you play it multiplayer. Not one of these games to be the best game in 2007, together with Super Mario Galaxy is the arch-rivals COD4MW at the time. Kudos to Infinity Ward CoD series that always makes the best war FPS game series of all time in every aspect.


* Title Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
* Genre: First Person Shooter (FPS)
* Platform: PC (also available on PS3 and Xbox 360)
* Producer: Mark Rubin - Peter Blumel
* Designer: Keith Arem
* Author: Jesse Stern
* Composer: Harry Gregson-Williams
* Developer: Infinity Ward
* Publisher: Activision
* Country: United States
* Language: English
* Release Date: 05 - 11-2007
* ESRB Rating: M (Mature)
* Official Website:
Download Game Call of duty 4